You Will Not Believe When You See What He Makes His Dog Do… Amazing!

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

The two are clearly enjoying some time relaxing to the best of their ability. A hip-hop song comes on and suddenly the duo both look at each other then lean back and begin to sway their bodies to the music in a perfect and harmonious fashion. The in-sync swaying goes on for close to 30 seconds before the dog decides that he’s had enough and looks at his owner for a new activity. All in all, the video brings laughter and a certain tender-warmness to the heart.

This video is a great example of how important it is to spend time teaching your dog to love the things that you love and enjoy doing. This way, even if no one is around you still have a companion to share in the joys of life with you. It is known all over the world that animals can be healing for our soul and comfort to our hearts in times of trouble. They offer unconditional love and a kind of companionship we may never truly find in another human being. Dogs do not know how to be selfish so what they offer to us is something so untarnished and so beautiful that all we can do is stand in awe of the love they bring.

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When the song is over, the master looks at his friend and quickly realizes the whole thing was caught on camera. He smiles and it is clear that he is a little embarrassed, but also very proud of what his friend just saw- the love between a master and his dog.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.