This Poor Dog Was In The Shelter For The Past 980 Days He Lost All Hope And Desire To Live What Happened Next Is A Miracle

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…until her guardian angel arrived.

Rescue a Dog to Save a Life
Elena Bobu arrived to rescue Princess from her untimely death. Working as a volunteer for the group Rescue Pals, Elena was now the new owner of Princess. Working together with her group, Elena took to social media to share Princess’ heartbreaking story and her second chance at life. Thanks to Elena’s post, Princess’s story quickly became viral as she was soon known as the “dog returned to the shelter three times”.

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As Elena continues to post about Princess, more and more people learn about her situation. Elena and the other rescuers hope that one day the right family will see Princess’ story and take her home to live with them. Despite all that Princess has experienced, she still remains one of the happiest and kindest dogs you will ever meet.

Stop Kill Shelters
For dog lovers, knowing the fact that kill shelters actually exist is disgusting in the least. Many people are like Elena and wish they could do something to stop any animal from ending up on the “kill list”. Thankfully, there are a few different things that you can do to help out.

If you are serious about helping dogs on death row, take some time to search the Internet for what you can do to help. There are several websites that provide the names and locations for dogs that are soon to be killed. If you can’t adopt a dog yourself, try reaching out to rescue centers to see if you can volunteer. Though there are millions of dogs in the world, helping just one can make all the difference.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.