8 Pitbull Myths Debunked

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Lie Number 3: Pit Bulls are aggressive and poorly behaved.

Truth: the truth is, Pit Bulls consistently score high in temperament tests and usually in the first rank.

Unless provoked, poorly bred or were trained to attack humans, Pit Bulls are most likely to be people-loving dogs. They can be loving and loyal dogs much like any other dog breeds.

Lie Number 4: Pit Bulls have always been known as bad dogs.

Truth: Originally, Pit Bulls were famously known as America’s Dog.

Sergeant Stubby was a Pit Bull who saved many lives in the World War 1. Pit Bulls gained a bad rep after they were used in dog fighting which started in the 1980’s. because of their strength and loyalty, they were made to fight with each other as well as other dogs as a candidate for exploitation. Also, drug lords started using them as their preferred dogs because of their qualities.

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Lie Number 5: Pit Bulls will turn against their owners without warning

Truth: Pit Bulls, like any other dog, will give off warning signs before they attack.

This is the reason why, as a dog owner, one must know the basic body language of dogs when owning one. This will give you a better understanding on what they need and what they are trying to tell you.

Lie Number 6: All Pit Bulls were bred for fighting.

Truth: only a small percentage of Pit Bulls were bred for dog fighting – 3% to be exact.

Most Pit Bulls were bred for companionship and to help in people’s work because of their gentle and loyal qualities. The Pit Bulls we have nowadays were bred from English bull-baiting dogs to bite and hold bears, bulls and other larger animals. It was only when this breed was used in dog fights did they get a bad name.

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