Owner Left 7 Dogs To Charity, Only For The Rescue Group To Find The Horrible Truth!

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Froehlich told news that she was shocked, to say the least, that a woman that has that much wealth have a number of staffs who would let her pets go through what they have been through. Shoen has more than enough to give her dogs the kind of medical treatment her dogs need, yet she chooses to give them away for her convenience.
Froehlich made the public know what was happening and even texted Shoen to let her know she plans on revealing her dirty little secrets about neglecting her dogs if she will not cover for the poor dog’s escalating medical expenses.
Shoen replied with comebacks stating Froelich whom she called a “b****” will never see a copper penny from them.
Because of the social feud, U-Haul received tons of negative reviews aside from the backlash from the public.
The argument went back and forth and Shoen did not bulge, not until Shoen’s husband stepped up. He wanted to take the dogs back to which Froehlich agreed to. But when the day arrived for Shoen to take the dogs, Froehlich changed her mind, saying she fears for the future of the Rottweilers in her care. Shoen agreed to pay for the medical and surgical treatments of two dogs costing $15,000.00.
The feud didn’t seem to end but then Joe Shoen paid the amount in pennies – 15.3 million of them. nevertheless, Froehlich was happy that the couple finally stepped up, which was their responsibility in the first place. She also cleared in an FB post that the penny was a joke.
It’s sad to think that there are owners who fail to take care of their dogs. What makes matters worst is they have all the means and resources to make sure their pets are well taken care of, but still fails to do so.
That is not the only issue present in this story. The fact that two dogs have genetic disorders due to inbreeding is something most breeders practices today. Even with the risks and medical tendencies that may arise, some just don’t care about the well-being of these dogs.
Another thing is the fact that sometimes, there will be no action, not unless you receive backlashes from social media. This is a very powerful tool that can make people like you or hate you in a matter of clicks. Responsible use of social media is a must, as it can be dangerous if not used with vigilance.
It’s a great thing that rescue groups are here to help these poor dogs, but the fact that the need for such group exists is saddening. If only no dogs are abused, neglected and are left to live the life of a stray, then we won’t need to depend on such rescue groups. Nevertheless, I am very thankful there are people willing to step up and dedicate their time, money and resources just to so to help these poor souls.
What can we do to help? What are we willing to do for these poor souls? When are we going to step up?

This review is based on an article published on Fox News.

Image Source: Rotten Rottie Rescue

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