5 Best Ways To Make Friends With Your Cat!

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  1. Other gestures.

If a cat throws its head and raises its nose up, it is trying to say “I see you.”

If cat presses their ears against its head, it either wants to play, is worried, scared, or finds something interesting.

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When sticks its tongue out slightly and licks itself, it can be worried or anxious.

  1. Cat Language

Cats greet you and make their presence known with the use of short sounds.

Lightly meowing – the cat is very glad to see you.

Medium-length meow – request for food or water.

Long sound with a mix of purring and meowing – demand or insistent request.

Low meow– complaint or dissatisfaction, and can mean it is ready to fight.

Loud sounds – urgent demand, like when it wants more food.

Purring or vibrating – a desire for attention or close contact.

3 Important Tips To Help Your Cat Trust You

  1. When lowering your cat to the ground, always make sure its paws have reached the floor before letting go.
  2. To stroke your cat, sit with your legs crossed on the floor and look at your cat. Stretch out a hand, lower your middle finger and it will act as an invite for your cat to go to you.
  3. To make your cat appear, call it with a calm voice.

There you have it! May you find a common language with your cat, and may these tips help guide to have a better understanding of our feline friend.

Watch the video below and enjoy!

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.