7 Foods That We Love But the Dogs Hate

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4. Bitter Apple

Just like the citrus, our dogs hate the smell of the bitter apple. It is also used as a deterrent for dogs to chew on your items.

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5. Vinegar

People love the taste of their Asian food dipped in vinegar but not the canine species. They hate the smell of vinegar and despise any food that emanates a storing smell of vinegar.

6. Nuts

Some of us love to nibble on nuts just to let time pass by. Our dogs are doing their best to stay away from it because it is highly toxic for them due to the amount of fats in nuts. The amount of fats can lead to stomach upset.

7. Raisins

Just like nuts, dogs do not like raisins because it is poisonous to them. In fact, a few raisins that were accidentally ingested by a dog can damage the kidney and kill the dog.

There has been no scientific research and study that there are certain foods that they do not like. Most foods that are on this list are probably because of the strong smell that they emanate as well as the poisonous substance that it contains.

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