The Epic Story Of Kalu- The Dog Who Grew A New Face

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

Miracle? I do believe it was a miracle that he was able to survive. He could have been found by people and left alone to die, but someone called for help and help did come. It’s a miracle that his rescuers changed their minds when they already thought killing him to end his misery was the only way for him to finally be at peace. It’s a miracle he responded to his treatments, even if the treatments could have possibly failed. It’s a miracle his face grew back, even if it could not have done so.

Every day in our lives, we experience miracles, no matter how tiny it might be. It’s a miracle you get to wake up when your body could have shut down and just sleep forever. It’s a miracle poor people are able to survive, even they have barely enough to eat and drink. It’s a miracle animal are found and rescued daily, and it’s even a miracle we are still here.

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I also believe that miracles are when rescue groups exist when people who were dedicated to helping rescue animals could have gotten another job, another hobby, another activity they can use their time on.

When people could have donated their money to another organization instead of rescue groups, and when people could have spent their time doing something else instead of liking, watching and reading rescue stories. So many miracles happen every minute, and I’m thankful that one of those miracles involve animal rescues.

I’ll never stop believing in miracles, because as a dog owner and lover, I always pray for miracles to happen that more dogs and animals are rescued, and that less needs rescuing until the biggest miracle happens – the time when no dog, no pet, no animal, and even humans needs to be rescued.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.