Starving And Disoriented Dog Rescued From The Streets Turned Out To Be A Completely Different Animal

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The animal took to the treats rather gently, which is odd for any animal that is starving.

Once it got accustomed to the treats, Lisa and her team took the animal to the vet.
At the vet’s, the situation became grimmer as the animal was found to be suffering from multiple infections. During the medical bath, the animal started bleeding from almost everywhere. It showed bruises and deep wounds. May be the animal was used in fights or something rather cruel which could have inflicted the wounds. The fur got wet and that revealed how skinny the animal actually was. Fortunately, there were no major internal injuries or anything that would threaten its life. The wounds were mostly on the body and they were treated.
The dog/wolf got accustomed with its rescuers but is still not very comfortable. It got a new bed, enjoyed its safe sleep and has been fed properly. Medical intervention is on standby and the animal is getting company from time to time. It is still not wagging its tail but is brushing its head against Lisa and others as a sign of affection.

You can read the full story this review is based on here.

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