A Devastating Scene Greeted A Group Of Rescuers After They Found A Stray Dog In Milan. Find Out What That Is Here.

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The medical examination took place in a hospital where he received treatment after the doctors removed the piercing. The rescue group posted pictures of the dog’s piercing which gained popularity and made the public agitated. Comments started pouring and the post was shared over 3,500+ times. Latest reports from the Taxi Dog states he is now living happily with his family.

A happy ending right? Yet the problem still persists. Some humans fail to recognize dogs, cats, and other animals as creatures who also need love and care. They fail to see that pets have feelings and that these animals feel as much as they do.

Image Source: Taxi Dog

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Just, what man or woman who’s the right mind, would pierce a dog right in the chest with a metal shackle? Would he/she/they do that to themselves if ever? I don’t even have the words. I am not sure about the numbers, but a huge number of animals from around the world face the same faith as this poor brown dog, some even worse. They fall into the hands of the wrong person and become victims of awful and sadistic acts.

What can we do to stop such wild behavior of other men and women, sometimes even children who feel no pity for other living things? Are awareness, advocacy, and laws enough? Because it doesn’t seem to bother these pain-inflicting humans who have no care over animals. One can only pray all of these ends the soonest time possible. I hope animal cruelty ends now.

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You can read the rest of the story this review is based on here: TheDodo

Image Source: Taxi Dog

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.