These Jealous Dogs’ Reaction To Couples Kissing Is Beyond Hilarious

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A recent study done at the University of California San Diego claims to show that dogs feel jealousy. The study was performed by having humans engage with three different objects in front of their dogs: a book, a plastic jack-o-lantern, and a realistic looking stuffed dog that moved and made sound.

The results show that, when the human was paying attention to the fake dog, their dogs were much more engaged and more likely to show behaviors like trying to touch their owner or the stuffed dog, trying to get in between them, barking, biting, and whining. These behaviors were not as prominent with the other objects. source:cesarway

We think that like every living and loving creature on this planet wants attention and dogs are no different. So when they see their loved ones don’t pay attention to them, they  do get upset. Jealous dogs is not an isolated incident. You will get this type of reaction from most of the dogs. They are like kids and if kids exhibit similar reaction we don’t ask the question if kids get jealous or not. Enjoy and please Share!

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