Why Dogs Like Mud? Plus A Hilarious Video Of A Labrador Named Toby Who Loves Mud!

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There are also other assumptions that dogs like to roll in the dirt because they do love the taste of it. Many vets would agree that dogs who like to eat mud are experiencing anxiety or a mental health issue. If this is the case and you find your dog eating mud, check with his vet for the best course of action.

However, one of the most common reasons why dogs love mud is because it is a great way for them to beat up the heat. When we feel hot, it is only natural for us to look for something that we can cool ourselves with. We have our baths and showers to use, but as an instinct, dogs find a puddle of dirt, their eyes will twinkle with delight and would do what has to be done.

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So, should you be worried? Not if your dog doesn’t actually eat the mud. Dogs’ act of rolling in the mud can be considered as a natural instinct. Owners shouldn’t be surprised to find that their dogs like mud.

Source: The Dodo

Dog’s love for mud can be evident with the rising number of videos showing our favorite buddies enjoying puddles of dirt. One of our favorites is the video we are about to show you. It was taken by a dog sitter who has now of the dogs she was out walking had so much fun in the mud. One can’t help but chuckle at the Labrador named Toby as he swam and even dived at the pools of mud in the middle of a snowy day.

Toby had so much fun he wouldn’t want to leave the pool of mud. His walker says Toby always does this every time he gets the chance. Our favorite parts were when he dived and submerged looking like a black Labrador instead. Another was when she was trying to get Toby out of the mud to head home, and the other dogs have taken an interest to join him.

You can watch the funny video below! Enjoy!

Source: The Dodo

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