Why You Should Not Let The Dog-Lick Bacteria Take Away Your Love For Pets

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You might have come across news wherein a man was partially amputated and a woman died after being licked or bitten by some dogs. However, this should not be enough reason to give up your cats or dogs. And there is a reason why.

First, where did the frenzy over the dog-lick bacteria come from?

Late in June, a woman named Sharon Larson from Wisconsin started feeling unwell one day after her new puppy nipped her. The next day, her husband Daniel Larson claimed she felt so weak she fails to hold a glass of water. Because of this, she was taken to the emergency room of the Wheaton Franciscan hospital in Franklin, Wisconsin.

Many tests after, the doctors found out that Sharon’s kidneys were failing. Two days after being confined to the hospital, her blood tested positive for a bacteria that is commonly found in the mouth of cats and dogs.

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The name of the bacteria was Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. It is considered a normal flora among cats and dogs. However, the risk for this bacteria to cause a serious medical condition to humans are extremely rare.

The doctors did everything they can to help Sharon. She was treated a series of antibiotics, but fate has other plans.

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