A Sneak Peek Into Vietnam’s Dog Meat Trade

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

It is very disturbing for a dog owner and lover like me to know that not only dog meats are actually a thing and have a very high in demand, but that dogs are being stolen just to be sold to meet vendors. I mean, I do respect that everyone has a different culture, different tastes, and different beliefs. However, I believe it is inhumane to continuously buy and sell dogs to be eaten.I knew some countries do eat dogs and treats it as a delicacy. Also do know some get their dogs from meat farms, but to think they would go into extreme measures like stealing pets just to trade is absurd.

I cannot fathom what I would do if one of my dogs get stolen, and worse, be sold just to be eaten. Just the mere thought makes me want to bawl my eyes out. I don’t even know how to express my thoughts and feelings. I do respect other’s beliefs, practices, and culture, but this one I just have no words. And I’m sure most dog owners and lovers out there will agree with me on this one – dogs are man’s best friend. They give us love, loyalty and companionship, and the least we can do for them is to give them exactly the same thing.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.