10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds #9 Will Surprise You

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  1. Neapolitan Mastiff  ( 10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds )

If we are talking about wrinkles, this breed might win an award for being the wrinkliest. It has an average lifespan of 7 to 9 years.

Neapolitan Mastiff
image source: Tim Dawson
  1. Irish Wolfhound ( 10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds )

This breed is often considered as the largest dog breed in terms of height. It comes with a prehistoric looking character and a life expectancy of 6 to 10 years.

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Irish Wolfhound
image source: Airwolfhound
  1. Bernese Mountain Dog ( 10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds )

This breed is another perfect companion that can thrive well even in colder weather. They look like small bears. They are fairly devoted to family and have great temperaments. Their average life span is 6 to 8 years.

Bernese Mountain Dog
image source: StooMathiesen
  1. Great Dane (10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds)

Everybody almost instantly recognizes a Great Dane. They are very popular. However, they also have a short span of life, ranging between 6 and 8. They are also great companions until the end.

Great Dane
image source: Jon Hurd
  1. Dogue de Bordeaux (10 Shortest Living Dog Breeds)

If we are talking about the shortest living dog breed, it must be the Dogue de Bordeaux. They only have a life span average between 5 and 8 years. They are also very easy to care and have great temperaments.

 Dogue de Bordeaux
image source: Claudio Gennari
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