A Pet Chihuahua Was Rushed To The Vet After For The Most Unexpected Reason. Read It All Here

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The stoned Chihuahua stayed in the hospital for about 10 hours, and was pretty normal and acting like his old, happy self when they arrived home.

With legal marijuana becoming readily available for people, pet owners should be on the lookout for any possible stash that their pets may come in contact with. A stoned animal is no laughing matter. We should not laugh about such incident as something more serious could have happened if the dog was left alone and unattended.

Dogs and other animals are not accustomed and should never be given such substance in the first place. It is our duty as pet owners to keep our babies safe at all times. Just because this poor dog was able to walk away without any adverse effect doesn’t mean we can let it happen again.

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Image source: TheDodo

It’s good that the dog is now home safe and sound, and that his owner made two important choices. First, he took his dog to the vet after seeing the state of his dog, which only means he loves the dog dearly. Second, he admitted what happened – that his dog ate a cookie with marijuana on it.

If anything like this happens to any pets, we beg pet owners to take them to the vets immediately and just tell them the truth. Being honest in situations like this will help animal doctors treat your pets accordingly.

These doctors will never judge you, as their main concern is the well-being of your pet. So please, let vets know what really happened and don’t shy away from telling the truth.

If you love your dog or any pet you may have they ingested Marijuana or anything that can pose a potential health threat, seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the side effects to kick in. Just take them to the vets and state the facts.

Image source: TheDodo

You can read the full story where this review is based on The Dodo.

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