When You See Who This Stray Puppy Adopted You Will Think It Is Adorable

While dogs and cats are at loggerheads, they too have decided to coexist. Monkeys and dogs coexist naturally but the two are not related in any way. Monkeys are not domesticated animals or pets either.
That the puppy is orphaned is certain and being little, docile and vulnerable it would have needed some special care to survive by the busy streets in India. Even dogs target puppies that are not their own. India is home to millions of stray dogs and not all are harmless. To have a monkey as the protector, provider and actually a father is certainly heavenly intervention for the little puppy. There is indeed a photograph where the monkey is shielding the puppy from an adult dog. The sheer aggression of the monkey towards the attacking dog which is otherwise so compassionate and caring towards the pup is the classic example of how parents are. It is also coincidental perhaps that this story comes from India where many people actually worship a god called Hanuman who is a monkey.
Here’s hoping that the monkey raises the pup with care and later the duo can explore the mad world together.
Video source: Facebook: Z. Azman
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