What Happens When a Sneaky Chihuahua, 2 Big Dogs and 3 Sausages Are Mixed In? Find Out For Yourself!

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The bigger dogs were a bit slow to react, maybe because they did not expect the little rascal to do what he just did. To say the woman, presumably, the owner, thought the situation was hilarious was an understatement. Her contagious laugh was heard ringing till the end of the short video.

It is honestly a cute video since all ended well. However, I’m just scared about how the bigger dogs could have reacted in different situations.

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Chihuahuas, like most animals and humans, have different personalities. What most affects their personality and behaviour depends greatly on their parents and grandparent’s temperament. Some can turn out friendly or snobbish, nervous or confident, and etcetera.

I’ve read that these little dogs would very much rather hang out with their same kind. Whether or not they live alone, with the same breed or other pets, like any other dogs, they need some type of training to make sure peace is in order – most of the time.

Training is very much essential when it comes to dog-keeping. This is to ensure both pet and owner are safe, to have a better understanding of each other, and to make sure your new pet and other pets in the house will live in harmony.

It really was a funny footage. It just goes to show how sneaky and naughty a dog can get, but every pet’s safety is always a priority. It always comes first, no matter what.

Watch the full video below

Sneaky little dog.

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