Wounded Purple Heart Receipient Reunites With Stray Puppy He Saved In Afghanistan

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Wesh 2 News put together a few of pictures from the reunion in a video on YouTube with the rest of the story. Eslinger wanted a private reunion for Smoke and his son, but he was kind enough to send Wesh 2 News some of the pictures from that moment. In every single picture you can see true relief in both the eyes of Smoke and of Eslinger Jr. It was almost as if Smoke knew his master needed him, and it seemed as though Smoke really missed Eslinger Jr. while they were apart. There is one picture in particular where Eslinger Jr. has a diamond bright smile on his face and is holding out his hand to Smoke, whose eyes are radiating and whose paw is tucked gently inside Jrs’ hand.

The County Sheriff truly believes that the presence of Smoke in his sons life will help to speed up his recovery, both mentally and physically. This speaks deeply to the truth that dogs and humans have an incredibly special connection. One that we often take for granted and do not recognize to be as special and rare as it is. In fact, this story truly speaks to the compassion that dogs have. The depth of love and affection that they are able to convey is equal to that of human nature- in fact, the compassion, loyalty, and camaraderie they show to us is something many of us could take a lesson from. Dogs truly love unconditionally and are there for us when we need them the most, whether or not we show them the same love and respect in return.

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So, in light of this heartwarming story about an injured soldier reunited with his dog, take the time today to give your dog (or any of your pets) some extra love and attention today. Play catch with them, snuggle with them, let them lick your face all over, because truth be told that kind of love changes something within us and we are all better off for it.

You can watch the video here:

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.