Watch This Puppy Go Against A Paper Bag As His Brother Hilariously Watching!

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Annie’s biggest enemy: a paper bag!

We have all seen the funny cute dog videos online. Anyone with a dog, especially a puppy, will tell how adorable their antics are. Instagram accounts and Facebook pages have also popped up, dedicated just to their pets. One such Facebook page is Ginger the Golden Retriever’s Fan Page. While the original golden retriever, Ginger, on whom the page is based, passed away a while ago, there are still two golden retrievers that have been receiving a lot of attention. Their names are Buddy and Annie and they are siblings.

The owners of Buddy and Annie frequently post their videos online and they are quite popular. There is a particular one of Annie from when she was a puppy in 2014 that is absolutely hilarious and adorable. It is a small video of barely 1 minute. It shows Annie as a puppy, a small ball of golden fur. He starts barking at a crumpled up brown paper bag in a manner that shows that she is afraid of it. Her actions with her little bark at ‘terrifying’ bag are altogether quite cute and funny.

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.